I love this app and hope that someday my REAL reef aquarium will look this good. This is also the only way you can safely keep a Clown Triggerfish in a reef! However, three bucks is sort if a lot to pay for for an app, and even with the great graphics and such, Im not sure if three dollars is reasonable. Im not asking for a lower price, just more features. Some ideas:
More fish
Non-sessile invertebrates (crabs, shrimps, slugs, maybe even some Nudibraches)
More exotic/ rare fish (Helfichs Firefish, Eels, marine Catfishes etc.)
Add some Gobies!
360 Rotation
Interactivity (Fish could perch on rocks, Clownfish could go in anemones, etc.)
Andrew 360 about MyReef 3D Aquarium, v2.1